
Showing posts with the label Discipleship

Sa Mort Obéissante

Paul a appelé les croyants à adopter le même état d'esprit que Jésus avait lorsqu'il a donné sa vie jusqu'à la mort pour les autres - Philippiens 2: 5-11. Jésus a rempli le rôle du ‘ Serviteur Souffrant ’ décrit dans le Livre d'Isaïe . Contrairement à Adam, il n'a pas essayé de saisir la “ ressemblance de Dieu ”, mais il s'est humilié et s'est soumis à une mort honteuse sur la croix romaine. Par conséquent, Dieu l'a exalté et l'a fait “ Seigneur ” sur toutes choses. Son exaltation n'a pas précédé sa mort; son intronisation l'a suivie.

He Humbled Himself

Paul summoned believers to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others – Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus fulfilled the role of the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ described in the Book of Isaiah . Unlike Adam, he did not attempt to grasp the “ likeness of God ,” but he humbled himself and submitted to a shameful death on the Roman cross. Therefore, God exalted him and made him “ Lord ” over all things. His exaltation did not precede his death; his enthronement followed it, and he died utterly alone.

The Cross of Christ

Christ Crucified is the example we are summoned to follow daily, and it is the test of the genuine Apostolic Faith and true spirituality . The death of Jesus provides the indispensable pattern for how we must live in this fallen world, and the measuring rod for judging spirituality. Whether examining a man’s wisdom, teachings, conduct, or supernatural deeds, the Cross of Christ is the bright line between truth and falsehood. No man can know God apart from “ Christ crucified .” God has revealed Himself in His Son, the Crucified Messiah.

Word of the Cross

The power and wisdom of God are revealed in the proclamation of the Messiah who was crucified on a Roman cross . Jesus performed miracles, exorcised demons, and taught with great authority, often attracting large crowds. Nevertheless, his contemporaries failed to recognize who he was regardless of such displays of power. In the end, only the Roman centurion at Golgotha perceived him to be the “ Son of God ” when the Nazarene breathed his last.

Sanctified Wholly

Paul concludes his first Letter to the Thessalonians with a series of exhortations calling on the disciples of Jesus to pursue righteous living in the interim between their conversion and his “ arrival ” from heaven. He ends by summoning the congregation to pursue complete sanctification, an exhortation with verbal links to the preceding sections of the Letter.

The Spiritual Man

The spiritually minded man understands that the proclamation of Christ Crucified is the Power and Wisdom of God - 1 Corinthians 2:14. Overused by the Church and society, the English term ‘spiritual’ has become meaningless. To some people, it is synonymous with religion . To be religious is to be spiritual . To others, it refers to supernatural things not of this physical universe, creatures that are otherworldly, noncorporeal, invisible, and live beyond the realm of time.

Afflicted Disciples

Our natural tendency is to avoid conflict. Understandably, we prefer our daily lives to be characterized by peace, acceptance, and prosperity, a life devoid of difficulties and afflictions. Moreover, the New Testament does promise believers peace now and everlasting life later. Nevertheless, it also exhorts the Assembly of God to expect afflictions and even persecution in this life on account of its light and testimony in a sin-darkened world.

The Neronian Problem

The Bible claims that God gives political power to whomever He pleases, “ even to the basest of men .” He “ removes kings and installs kings ” to accomplish His purposes, including rulers of whom many church leaders and members may disapprove. Disciples of Jesus who assume that certain politicians should hold governmental power presume on God’s patience and prerogative, and this is especially problematic in Western-style democratic societies.

The Mind of Christ

The submission of Jesus to an unjust death is the pattern of the love and service to others that his disciples are called to imitate . The obedience of Jesus to his Father becomes the model for how we emulate him. His willing submission to death on the Roman Cross is the pattern for the conduct and attitude of his disciples. His elevation to the Messianic Throne resulted from his submission to “ death upon a cross .” Conforming our lives to this example is how we learn to “ follow him wherever he goes .”

Mercy and Enemies

The reality of persecution raises important questions. How should disciples of Jesus react, especially when persecuted by the State? Is resorting to anger or acts of civil disobedience appropriate, or should they instead emulate examples from the life of Christ? In his teachings, he warned that all men who decide to follow him would experience “ tribulation ,” and he summoned them to follow his path (“ If they persecuted me, so they will persecute you ”).

The Day of Visitation

In his first letter, Peter addresses congregations under pressure to conform to the expectations and values of the surrounding society. Their situation is not unique. They are members of a worldwide suffering community. A key theme of the Letter is the necessity for believers to persevere in tribulations and remain steadfast in holy living until the “ Day of Visitation ” when Jesus will be “ revealed ” from Heaven.

Warfare in the Spirit

“Spiritual warfare” is an idea based on the Apostle Paul’s words to the Assembly in Ephesus - “ Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers… against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places .” So, how do believers wage war against these unseen forces of darkness?

Suffering Servant

Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled the role of the ‘ Suffering Servant ’ described in the  Book of Isaiah . Unlike Adam, he did not attempt to grasp the “ likeness of God .” Instead, he humbled himself and submitted to a shameful death on the Roman cross. For this reason, God highly exalted him and made him “ Lord ” over all things. His exaltation did not precede his death – His enthronement followed it, and he died utterly alone.

Governing Authorities

Paul instructed believers living in the Roman Empire not to resist the government since its existence and authority were arranged by God .  Writing to the churches of Rome, Paul presents principles for Christian conduct in relation to the State. Believers must “ subordinate themselves to governing powers, for there is no authority except by God .” His statement was written when Nero ruled the Roman Empire, the same man who became the first emperor to persecute the church.