He Humbled Himself
Paul summoned believers to adopt the same mind that Jesus had when he poured out his life unto death for others – Philippians 2:5-11.
Jesus fulfilled the role of the ‘Suffering Servant’ described
in the Book of Isaiah. Unlike Adam, he did not attempt to grasp the
“likeness of God,” but he humbled himself and submitted to a shameful
death on the Roman cross. Therefore, God exalted him and made him “Lord”
over all things. His exaltation did not precede his death; his enthronement
followed it, and he died utterly alone.
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[Photo by Balint Miko on Unsplash] |
His example of self-denial becomes the pattern for his disciples to imitate. In the relevant passage in Philippians, the Apostle’s concern is not with metaphysical speculation about the nature of Jesus, but with how he “poured himself out” in death for others, and its practical implications for members of the Church.
than explain his Christology, Paul presents Jesus as the supreme example of how we must conduct ourselves. In “lowliness of mind,” he counted others “better than himself, not looking to his things, but to the things of others,” thus deferring
his needs, “rights,” and desires to those of others:
- (Philippians 2:5-11) - “Be thinking this among you, that even in Christ Jesus. Who, commencing in the form of God, considered being like God something not to be seized, but he poured himself out, taking the form of a slave, having come to be in the likeness of men. Having been found in fashion as man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even death on the cross. Therefore also, God highly exalted him and granted him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, of beings heavenly and earthly and under the earth, and every tongue should confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father, even God.”
Paul contrasted Jesus with Adam by using language
from the latter’s disobedience described in the Book of Genesis and from
the “Servant of Yahweh” described in the Book of Isaiah. Jesus
did not attempt to seize or otherwise usurp God’s “likeness” as Adam did. Instead, he submitted
to an unjust and shameful death. Adam was created in the image of God but
grasped at the Divine “likeness” through his transgression. In contrast,
Jesus embraced the will of God and suffered the consequences.
Christ “did not consider being like God
something to be seized.” This alludes to the story of the “Serpent” who
beguiled Eve and overcame Adam - “For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
your eyes will be opened and you will become like God, knowing good and evil”
- (Genesis 3:5).
The first Adam chose disobedience and
self-will. The Greek noun translated as “seize” means “plunder, booty,” something
taken by force. In contrast, Jesus chose not to seize God’s likeness.
Instead of exalting and pleasing himself, Jesus
became Yahweh’s “Servant” by “pouring himself out and taking the form
of a slave… he humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, even death on a
cross.” The passage in Philippians includes several allusions to the ‘Servant Song’ in Isaiah.
For example:
- (Isaiah 53:7) - “Hard-pressed, yet he humbled himself, nor opened his mouth, as a lamb to the slaughter is led.”
- (Isaiah 53:12) - “Therefore will I give him a portion in the great and the strong shall he apportion as plunder because he poured out to death his soul, and with transgressors let himself be numbered, Yea, he the sin of many bare, and for transgressors interposed. Behold, my Servant prospers, he rises and is lifted up and becomes very high.”
Jesus fulfilled his Messianic role by “pouring out his soul” for others, and we are called to adopt this same mindset - To seek nothing from self-interest or for “empty glory.”
We emulate him by not promoting
ourselves, and by submitting to the will of God. We must live in “humility”
by serving others, just as the ‘Servant of the LORD’ did.
Self-denial does not mean losing individual
identity. Jesus did not lose his personality, but he certainly did choose to
forego his rights and privileges to meet the needs of others.
Like him, we are called to defer to the needs
of others instead of insisting on satisfying our wants and privileges. To “become
great in the Kingdom of God” we must first become the servants and “slaves
of others,” just as Jesus did when he “gave his life a ransom for many”
and died on the Cross to reconcile men and women to their Creator. For our
sake, he was “obedient unto death.”
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- The Mind of Christ - (The Apostle Paul points to the obedience of Jesus “unto death” as the model for proper conduct by his disciples.)
- Spiritually Minded - (The spiritually-minded man understands that the proclamation of Christ Crucified is God’s power and wisdom)
- The Cross of Christ - (Christ Crucified is the example we are summoned to follow daily, and it is the test of the genuine Apostolic Faith and true spirituality)
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