

[Click on the title to open an article]

  1. His Superior Word - {PDF Copy} - (God has spoken His definitive word in His Son. All previous words given by the prophets were preparatory, promissory, and partial)
  2. These Last Days - {PDF Copy} - (The era of the Levitical priesthood terminated with the arrival of the word in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our High Priest forever)
  3. Purification of Sins - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God where he now intercedes for his people as their High Priest)
  4. His Surpassing Greatness - {PDF Copy} - (Through a series of comparisons, Hebrews presents the supremacy of the Son over all his predecessors)
  5. His Distinguished Name - {PDF Copy} - (Having achieved the purification of sins, the Son inherited a vastly more distinguished name than the angels)
  6. Do Not Drift Away - {PDF Copy} - (The Letter gives a dire warning of the consequences for failing to heed the superior word spoken by God in His Son – Hebrews 1:4-2:7)
  7. Hold Fast to the Word - {PDF Copy} - (Followers of Jesus must cling continually to the word spoken in the Son lest they drift away from the salvation they have received from God)
  8. The Well-Qualified High Priest - (Jesus qualified to become our high priest by participating fully in human suffering, weakness, and death) - {PDF Copy}
  9. Merciful and Faithful Priest - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is well-equipped to be our faithful and sympathetic high priest, having participated fully in humanity’s plight)
  10. The Son Surpasses Moses - {PDF Copy} - (The word of the Son is superior even to the word of Moses, the servant, and Great Lawgiver in the house of Yahweh)
  11. Priest Forever - {PDF Copy} - (His priesthood is superior since it rests on his endless resurrection life, the promised priest after the order of Melchizedek – Psalm 110:4)
  12. Change of Law - {PDF Copy} - (The new priesthood after the order of Melchizedek inaugurated in Jesus also means a change in the Law - Hebrews 7:12)
  13. Shadows and Substance - {PDF Copy} - (The types and shadows of the old covenant find their substance in the Son of God, Jesus Christ - in his priesthood and New Covenant – Hebrews 8:1-5)
  14. His Incomparable Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus inaugurated the superior New Covenant through his Death and Resurrection, rendering the old covenant obsolete – Hebrews 8:6-13)
  15. Then He Sat Down - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Son whom God appointed as our merciful and faithful High Priest after his suffering, death, and resurrection)
  16. Harden not your Hearts - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who fail to hold fast their confession due to unbelief will not inherit the coming “rest” of God)
  17. Enter His Rest - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who fail to hold fast their confession due to unbelief and disobedience will not inherit the coming rest of God)
  18. His Penetrating Word - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples must hold fast to their confession and approach Jesus in boldness, especially in times of great need)
  19. The Tent Pitched by God - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus intercedes without ceasing for his people in the true heavenly Tabernacle, one not made with human hands)
  20. His Once For All Sacrifice - {PDF Copy} - (The promise a New Covenant finds its fulfillment in the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus and the permanent priesthood he now holds)
  21. Made Without Hands - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the Greater and Real Sanctuary foreshadowed by the ancient Tabernacle and the High Priest forever who serves in it)
  22. The Key to Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures, Bible prophecy, and the nature of God)

Roman Ruins - Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash
[Roman Ruins Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash]